Brianna R. Shaffery | Fiction Author, Blog

Local NJ Author Releases Debut Novel, Achieves Bestselling e-Book Status

Take a look at the five categories Fire & Flight reached #1 in during release week! Brianna R. Shaffery, a New Jersey native, published her...

My Publishing Journey: Cover Design and Formatting Fire & Flight

Last week, I broke down the editing process for the first book in my epic fantasy series, Fire & Flight — Heirs of Tenebris trilogy:...

My Publishing Journey: The Editing Process

Before publishing my YA fantasy novel, Fire & Flight, I wrote a blog explaining why I decided to self-publish rather than seek the traditional publishing...

My Publishing Journey: Fire & Flight’s Launch Week

As many of you know, the first novel in my epic fantasy series, the Heirs of Tenebris, released last week on July 19th. Knowing that...

It’s ALMOST release day!

With just a week away until the release day for the first novel in my young adult fantasy series, the Heirs of Tenebris trilogy, I...

Reviews = An Indie Author’s Success

The tricky thing about self-publishing can be getting your work out there, but with reviews comes not only credibility but also visibility. The importance of...

Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Raverins

A majestic raverin, depicted here by Marcella Thaler Design Raverins have an ambiguous history with the country of Tenebris. The eagle-sized, fork-tongued creature is both...

Why I Chose to Self-Publish

Many of you may be wondering why I decided to self-publish my young adult fantasy novel, Fire & Flight, over traditional publishing the first of...

Introducing the World of Fire & Flight: Taddles and Taddlings

An adolescent taddle portrayed by Marcella Thaler Design Have you ever sat by a peaceful pool of crystal clear water and studied what may be...