Introducing the World of Tenebris: Cerbertes

Cerbertes (pronounced /serb-er-teez/) are a thing of legend. A reclusive creature, cerbertes are large canines with dark fur and eyes as deep as the Shadow Forest’s heart, cerbertes are more common than people may choose to believe. Widely feared by humans, they’re more commonly known as “hellhounds” because of the belief that they can cause…

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Which pumpkie clan of Tenebris do you belong to?

It’s no secret that the pumpkies from my young adult fantasy trilogy, the Heirs of Tenebris, are one of my favorite world building elements (and creatures!), and I started to wonder: which pumpkie clan would I belong to? Which of course meant I spent the afternoon making a personality quiz! As it turns out, I’m…

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Feature in Kirkus Reviews’ Indie Issue

This month, I celebrated Indie April with Kirkus Reviews! Head on over to Kirkus Reviews to read the full Q&A article in which I talk about my debut young adult fantasy novel, Fire & Flight, my writing process, and how much interacting with readers means to me.

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