Introducing the World of Tenebris: Cerbertes
Cerbertes (pronounced /serb-er-teez/) are a thing of legend. A reclusive creature, cerbertes are large canines with dark fur and eyes as deep as the Shadow Forest’s heart, cerbertes are more common than people may choose to believe. Widely feared by humans, they’re more commonly known as “hellhounds” because of the belief that they can cause illusions of their prey’s greatest nightmares and fears.

Primarily found in remote areas of the Shadow Forest and Godberd Woods, cerbertes are sly creatures despite their dominating size and build. Patient and cautious, cerbertes have been known to wait for their prey in bushes and other hideaways before pouncing on unsuspecting prey.
It is uncertain when the now-common name of “hellhounds” was adopted by modern society, though evidence suggests the change occurred sometime after the publication of Sir Elias Thomason’s Hell’s Eyes and its popularity of the late 1900s. In Hell’s Eyes, Thomason describes a creature very similar to the cerbertes and even suggests that meeting their ebony eyes can bring forward your worst nightmares and fears. As very few people survive the rare attack from a cerbertes, and it is rarer still for someone to survive without experiencing severe psychosis, researchers are still hesitant to wholly adopt the attribute as fact.
You can read Hell’s Eyes by signing up for my newsletter at By signing up you’ll also receive Tenebris: An Introduction to the World of the HEIRS OF TENEBRIS Trilogy, which hosts even more information about cerbertes and all of the other animals of Tenebris too!